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Summer Financial Aid

Students who attend the Summer term at Imperial Valley College may qualify for Financial Aid to help pay for college costs. To be considered for both the Federal Pell Grant and the California College Promise Grant (CCPG), you must complete and submit your 2023-24 FAFSA by June 30, 2024, if you have not done so already for the academic year.

Click to see the Summer 2024 Payment Schedule. The "Payment Date" is the first date funds may be available (depending on your chosen payment method). This is approximately one week after funds appear on your account in WebSTAR.

California College Promise Grant (CCPG)

If you have not already applied for the 2023-24 CCPG you have two (2) methods of establishing eligibility:

1. You must submit and complete the 2023-24 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by June 30, 2024, or
2. You must submit and complete a California College Promise Grant (CCPG) application by July 30, 2024.

Please remember the CCPG will only pay enrollment fees for California residents and AB 540 eligible students who qualify. Other fees that apply for the term, such as Health Services Fees, Student Representation Fees, Parking Fees, Lab, and Materials Fees will be the responsibility of the student.

Summer Pell Grant

Pell Grant-eligible students can receive up to 150% of their scheduled Pell Grant award each year. 

If you enrolled full-time (12+ units) and received the full-time Pell Grant award for Fall 2023 and Spring 2024, you must enroll at least half-time (6+ units of required coursework) in summer classes to receive a summer Pell Grant.

If you enrolled part-time in Fall 2023 or Spring 2024, there is no minimum unit requirement to receive a summer Pell Grant (unless required by your EFC).  You can use the remainder of your annual Pell Grant amount during summer with no minimum unit requirement. Reminder- only required coursework can be counted for Pell grant. 

Your Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) as determined by the U.S. Department of Education and your enrollment status for the summer term will determine your Summer award. Summer awards will be posted after registration.

Enrollment status is determined by the number of required units you enroll in.

 Enrollment Status  Units of Required Coursework
 3/4-time  9 (max for Summer)
 1/2-time  6 to 8.5
 Less than 1/2-time  .5 to 5.5

Summer 2024 Payment Schedule

Summer Students Success Completion Grant (SSCG)

If funds are available, students who received less than $4000 in SSCG during Fall/Spring aid periods may qualify for additional SSCG if they reached a cumulative 30 units for the entire aid year including Summer units.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Evaluations

At the end of Spring 2024, we will conduct an evaluation of your academic progress, and you must be identified as maintaining the Satisfactory Academic Progress standard (SAP) to be determined eligible for a Summer Pell Grant.

Click here to view Summer Financial Aid FAQs