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Where we foster excellence in education that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character, and abilities; to assist students in achieving their educational and career goals; and to be responsive to the greater community.

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Thumbnail of What is a scholarship?
Scholarships are sources of FREE MONEY! While there are scholarships that are based on financial need, there are also many that are based on other criteria such as grades, test scores, major, special talents, and community service.

The Imperial Valley College Foundation Office offers an array of scholarships for students attending Imperial Valley College (IVC). Many scholarships at IVC are given by local donors for eligible students at Imperial Valley College.

For complete details and to download the application form please visit the IVC Foundation website at Imperial Valley College Foundation Scholarships.


Another great option to assist you in your scholarship search is scholarships databases you can access through the internet. The database programs will ask you to enter information about your grade point average, interests, activities, employment, etc. They will match your responses to their scholarship database and select scholarships you may be eligible to apply for. If you do not have access to the internet, you may use the computers in the Financial Aid Lab (building 1700). A few of the scholarship websites are listed below:


Be aware of scholarship scams that ask you to pay for financial aid and scholarship information.  Before filling out personal information for scholarship applications look for the privacy information disclosed on their website. Never pay for scholarships or scholarship research. Scholarship and Financial aid information and applications are free.  Before you pay for financial aid-related services, contact the Financial Aid Office.

For more information visit: or