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Welcome to Imperial Valley College!

Where we foster excellence in education that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character, and abilities; to assist students in achieving their educational and career goals; and to be responsive to the greater community.

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IVC has Established a governance structure, processes, and practices that guarantee that the governing board, administration, faculty, staff, and students will be involved in decision making processes.

Core Values

As a student centered organization, we will uphold the following core values:

• Excellence: Providing superior service and educational learning opportunities that provide, promote and enhance student learning and growth. Integrity: Guiding the college's actions with an internally consistent framework of principles that demonstrate forthright, honest and ethical behavior in all interactions.
• Accessibility: Building and creating an inclusive and accessible learning environment which provides equitable treatment for all, without discrimination.
• Diversity: Recognizing and valuing the strengths of our diverse backgrounds and perspectives in an environment that respects diverse traditions, heritages, and experiences.
• Collaboration: Encouraging recursive interaction of knowledge, experience and mutual learning of people who are working together toward a common creative goal.
• Innovation: Providing innovative approaches to learning, problem-solving and growth in response to a rapidly changing environment.
• Fiscal Integrity: Ensuring the fiscal integrity of the District to fulfill its mission.
The District's values provide the guidance and inspiration for implementing and maintaining programs to promote student success.

President's Office
President's Office

Our Superintendent/President is the Chief Executive Officer of the college.
President's Message About Dr. Lennor M. Johnson AccreditationASPEN Funding Request Public Records RequestContact Us

The Imperial Community College District actively partners with educational institutions throughout the region to expand opportunities for students and foster strong relationships among faculty and staff. 


Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees

The seven-member Imperial Community College District's Board of Trustees is an independent policy-making body that represents the public interest. It is the highest governing authority in the District. Each Trustee resides within a specific geographic subarea of the District and members are elected only by the voters of that trustee area.

Board of Trustees Redistricting ICCD BoardDocsⓇ

Participatory Governance
Participatory Governance

Participatory governance is a decision-making process committed to the best interests of our students and our institution based upon participation of those affected by decisions in an environment of cooperation and trust.

Campus Committees BoardDocsⓇ

Imperial Valley College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges which is part of the Western Association of College and Universities.

Accreditation Reports

Finding an Employee
Finding an Employee

Here you can look up contact information for IVC employees.

Staff Email (Office 365)

Consumer Information
Consumer Information

In accordance with federal regulations set forth by The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, below is a summary of consumer information that must be made available to all prospective students, applicants, employees, and current students at Imperial Valley College (IVC)

View Consumer Information


View Awards/Recognitions
Public Relations
Public Relations & Marketing

Our mission is to foster excellence in education by developing public support for IVC programs through establishment of mutually beneficial relationships and by providing internal and external communications tools to insure IVC is responsive to the greater community.

Public Information Office Website Page Update