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IVC - Active Minds Club

IVC SHC LOGO 2019              

Hi Campus Community, 

Active Minds is a club on campus who supports the Mental Health Counseling Services program at IVC. 

Our mission is to open up the conversation about mental health and creating a lasting change in the way mental health is talked about, cared for, and valued within the campus community.

We believe no one should have to struggle alone. By empowering young adults to speak openly about mental health, we can reduce stigma, encourage help seeking, and prevent suicides.

Our Purpose:

  1. Organize campus events to increase mental health awareness and suicide prevention.

  2. Create programs and/or activites that are responsive to unique needs of the IVC campus community. These include panel discussions, speaker presentation, stress-relief activities, and other activities appropriate for students' mental health needs.

  3. Promote mental health services available at the IVC Student Health Center and other community agencies by tabling in central areas of the campus.

  4. Advocate for changes in campus policies and procedures to better support mental health on campus.

  5. Represent the IVC student voice on campus committees associated to health and student services.

  6. Engage chapter members in the practice of self-care as a significant component for helping others.

  7. Hold fundraising events in support of the Active Minds movement.

If you are interested in joining the Active Minds Club, please contact the Student Health Center front desk at (760) 355-6310 or