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EEO & Diversity Advisory Committee

Committee Purpose
The purpose of the EEO & Diversity Committee is to afford the campus community a chance to provide input and make recommendations regarding EEO, diversity, processes regarding staffing, recruitment, screening, about staffing-related issues and activities, and to take action upon recommendations from feeder subcommittees. The committee will make recommendations to the shared governance committees and/or the Superintendent/President and has the following broad categories of scope within its purview:
  • Policies and Procedures regarding diversity, EEO, non-discrimination, sexual harassment, complaint procedures, recruitment and screening.
  • EEO & Diversity multiple measures
  • EEO Plan
  • Staffing Plan
Chair or co-chairs Membership Meeting Dates
Johanna Fisher - Chair
Co-Chair - TBD

Johanna Fisher
Norma Nunez
Ric Epps
Jessica Prock
Silvia Murray
Thomas Jones
Sheila Dorsey-Freeman
ASB Representative

Dr. Pat Pauley
Karian Redondo-Valdez
Benny Benavidez
Becky Green

Resource Members:
Martha Bandivas
Gloria Arrington



