EEO & Diversity Advisory Committee
Committee Purpose
The purpose of the EEO & Diversity Committee is to afford the campus community a chance
to provide input and make recommendations regarding EEO, diversity, processes regarding
staffing, recruitment, screening, about staffing-related issues and activities, and
to take action upon recommendations from feeder subcommittees. The committee will
make recommendations to the shared governance committees and/or the Superintendent/President
and has the following broad categories of scope within its purview:
- Policies and Procedures regarding diversity, EEO, non-discrimination, sexual harassment,
complaint procedures, recruitment and screening.
- EEO & Diversity multiple measures
- EEO Plan
- Staffing Plan
Meeting Dates: 3rd Monday of each month
Time: 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Location: HR Conference Room Bldg. 2500), Virtual Meeting available via Zoom
Administrator |
Johanna Fisher |
Administrator |
Vacant |
Administrator Alternate |
Gail Warner |
Classified Management |
Melody Chronister |
Classified Management Alternate |
Becky Green |
Faculty |
Ric Epps |
Faculty |
Norma Nunez |
Faculty Alternate |
Dr. Pat Pauley |
Part-Time Faculty |
Vacant |
Part-Time Faculty |
Vacant |
Part-Time Faculty (Alternate) |
Benny Benavidez |
Classified |
Vacant |
Classified |
Silvia Murray |
Classified |
Frances Arce-Gomez |
Classified |
Vacant |
Classified Confidential |
Sheila Dorsey-Freeman |
ASG Representative |
ASG Representative |
ASG Representative (Alt) |
Classified Confidential |
Martha Bandivas |
Classified Confidential |
Gloria Arrington |
Classified |
Martha Gutierrez |