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Distance Education Committee

DE Committee Banner

Distance Education Agenda & Meeting Minutes


The purpose of the Distance Education Committee will be to advise the Senate, its Curriculum subcommittee, and the Technology Planning Committee on designs, implementation strategies, resources needed, and policies for distance education; to provide a faculty overview of all distance education and distributed activities conducted at Imperial Valley College; and to work with all relevant faculty and administrators to foster innovation while maintaining, enhancing, and evaluating high standards of academic quality, at a level appropriate to the students for which the content is developed.

Core Value Statement

The core value of the DE Committee is to increase educational access for students by supporting online delivery of high quality instruction. All students should have the opportunity to achieve their educational goals.


The function of the Distance Education Committee is to develop and review policies and procedures necessary to the implementation and evaluation of the distance education program at Imperial Valley College.


The DE Committee meets on the third Tuesday of each month from 12:50pm-1:50pm in Room 2727, unless otherwise announced. 


The Committee shall be comprised of the following: administrative representative (Co-Chair); Distance Education Coordinator (Co-Chair); six faculty representatives (including at least one non-teaching and one part-time); classified representative; technology representative; DSPS representative; and a student representative. 

The Academic Senate will approve all faculty positions; the remaining positions will be appointed by the bargaining unit representative or division head in consultation with the Co-Chairs and the Vice President of Academic Services.  The student representative will be selected by the Associated Student Government. 

Terms for all members shall be for two years with the exception of the Distance Education Coordinator, the DSPS representative, and the Technology representative.



Meeting Dates: 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month
Time: 2:30-4:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual Meeting available via Zoom


DE Coordinator Co-Chair  Xochitl Tirado
Administrative Representative Co-Chair Melody Chronister
Administrative Representative Alternate Vacant
Faculty Representative #1 Dr. Austen Thelen
Faculty Representative #2 Nicole Rodiles
Faculty Representative #3 Vacant
Faculty Representative #4 Dr. Cerise Myers
Faculty Representative #5 Aleksandr Voldman
Faculty Representative #6 Vacant
Faculty Representative #7 Vacant
Faculty Representative #8 (Non-Teaching) Paige Lovitt
Faculty Representative #9 (Part-Time) Arturo Marquez Jr.
Classified Representative Jenifer Dollente
Technology Representative Abelardo Huereque
Classified Representative (DSPS) Jeremy Wyatt
Classified Representative Alternate Daniel Hernandez
Student Representative ASG Representative - TBD
Recorder Jenifer Dollente