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SAP Appeals

Exceeded Maximum Timeframe Standard

If you have had a change of major or enrolled in a high unit major, you may request a unit extension.  You must first complete the Unit Extension Request Counseling Session listed on your requirements in WebSTAR.  After completing the session, you will be directed to complete the online form to request a unit extension.

After completing the request and if you have a recent (less than one year old) Comprehensive Educational Plan (CSEP) on file, you will be contacted to schedule an appointment with a Financial Aid Counselor.  Please see a general Academic Counselor if you do not have a recent CSEP on file. The Financial Aid Counselor will  determine your eligibility for a unit extension and develop a SAP Academic Plan. If you are determined eligible, you will be placed on Probation Status and awarded aid for the courses listed on your academic plan.

Disqualified due to GPA, Completion Rate (Pace), or Maximum Timeframe

If you have extenuating circumstances that prevented you from meeting SAP standards you may file an appeal. You must first complete the SAP Appeal Counseling Session listed on your requirements in WEBSTAR. After completing the session, you will be directed to complete the appeal form, which you will access via the verification system.  Note: You will also need a a recent (less than one year old) Comprehensive Educational Plan (CSEP) on file.

Each appeal will be reviewed by the Appeal Committee and will be recommended for approval or denial based upon the student's individual circumstances. All decisions are final, and there is no higher appeal.  If your appeal is approved, you will be required to meet with a Financial Aid Counselor to develop a SAP Academic Plan.  Once financial aid receives the SAP Academic plan, you will be placed on Probation Status and awarded aid according to the conditions of the SAP Academic Plan, which will be reviewed each term.

The deadline to submit completed SAP Appeals for each term is listed below:

 Term to be reinstated  Deadline
 Fall  October 31st
 Spring  April 30th 
 Summer June 30th


IVC Financial Aid Office Contact Information

Phone: 760-355-6266
contact.finaid@imperial.eduPlease include your Student ID (G#) in the email. 
Zoom (Mon-Fri 2:00 am to 4:00 pm):


Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy