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Welcome to Imperial Valley College!

Where we foster excellence in education that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character, and abilities; to assist students in achieving their educational and career goals; and to be responsive to the greater community.

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TLC Trainings and Workshops

The Teaching and Learning Center at IVC offers many workshops and training opportunities open to all faculty. Check your inbox for updates and newsletters, and view our events calendar at any time by going to the VRC and clicking on "Events Calendar"

Visit the VRC Events Calendar

Online Training and Courses

The Vision Resource Center is available to all IVC employees and offers thousands of online webinars, trainings, and course, many of which are self-paced and available at any time. Browse through the catalog by going to the VRC and clicking on "Find Training"

Visit the VRC Learner Home

Off-Campus Training or Workshop Opportunities

IVC also offers some limited funding for faculty who want to attend or host outside learning opportunities. This funding can be used for conference registration fees, guest speakers, materials for a faculty work-group or learning community, and similar projects. Request funding early as it gets routed and approved by various committees and may require board approval. Check out a curated list of conferences recommended by the Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee or jump to the request funding form

Browse the Conference List


Contact Us

Allyn Leon, EdD
Professor of Mathematics
Professional Development Coordinator
Imperial Valley College

Where are we located?

We're in Building 2600 (formerly the Reading/Writing Lab), across from IVC's child care center.

Email Us

To get in touch with the TLC team, contact: