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Associated Students Government


ASG 2023 2024


The student Activities/Governance Program is an essential and fundamental part of the college's educational mission. As the center of college community life, it serves as a laboratory of citizenship, training students in social responsibility and for leadership in our democracy. Through its various committees and staff, it provides a cultural, social and recreational program aiming to make free-time activity a cooperative factor with study in education.

In all its processes it encourages self-directed activity, giving maximum opportunity for self-realization and for growth in individual social competency and group effectiveness. Its goal is the development of the total person as well as stimulating the intellect. Student Activities/Governance Program serves as a unifying force in the life of the college, cultivating enduring regard for and loyalty of the college.





  • Currently enrolled at IVC
  • 2.0 GPA or higher
  • Intent to enroll in at least 6 units for the Fall 2023 semester.
  • Completed less than 6 units
  • Must be available for ASG and planning meetings on Monday and Wednesdays from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM.

Applications are due on 8/25/2023

ASG Junior and Senior Senator Application



Please welcome our new Associated Students Government President for 2023-2024, Mr. Joshua Figueroa! 

Dear fellow students!

Pres. Figueroa 2023 24

As the new President of Associated Students Government of Imperial Valley College, I would like to convey a heartfelt welcome to everyone for the school year 2023-2024. I extend the warmest welcome to each and everyone of you with overflowing delight and excitement!

I would like everyone to know that ASG is devoted this year to making everyone feel not only welcomed, but also appreciated. We think that a school is more than simply a place to learn; it is also a place where we can come together, encourage one another, and create life long memories.

We recognize that the past few years have been difficult for everyone, and we hope that this school year will provide you with a wonderful experience. The ASG will work hard to establish a welcoming environment in which students may flourish and achieve their goals. You are more than simply students; you are extraordinary individuals with dreams and aspirations, as well as abilities waiting to be recognized. Whether you are a returning student or new to our school, I want you to know that you are cherished, respected, and seen for the amazing person you are.

As the ASG President, I encourage you to get involved, take risks, and take advantage of any opportunity that comes your way. Join clubs, attend events, participate in discussions, and build connections. This is your moment to stand out, to explore, and to realize your full potential. Keep a look out for announcements and updates as we have many interesting events prepared for the school year. I encourage you to make use of all of the resources available on campus and to engage with your peers.

Remember, we are all in this together. Every one of us is responsible for the accomplishments of our school year. Let us encourage one another, provide a helping hand, and make our school a place where no one feels alone.

Once again, welcome to the school year 2023-2024! Let's make it the best year yet!

Joshua Figueroa, ASG President, 2023-2024
